Tuesday, March 19, 2019

As home care packages become big business, older people are not getting the personalised support they need

Many older Australians prefer to stay at home than enter residential aged care – but the process of securing home care is riddled with complexities. From shutterstock.comThe Royal Commission into Aged Care has unleashed a spate of claims of system failure within the residential aged care sector. Now, as the commission shifts its focus to care in the community, we’re also seeing claims of failure within the home care packages program. This scheme aims to support older people with complex support needs to stay at home. But what we’ve got is a market-based system where the processes involved in accessing support and managing services are making it difficult for vulnerable older Australians to receive the care they want. If this system is to be workable,

From http://theconversation.com/as-home-care-packages-become-big-business-older-people-are-not-getting-the-personalised-support-they-need-113183



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